Communication lab for online meetings

How do we make sure we’re still communicating effectively online? What are ways to influence, motivate and foster collaboration. How can we best make use of the limited time we have in our online meetings?

A very useful communication model that can be applied in almost every conversation or meeting is the Switch model. We often communicate on different levels besides the content; there is Procedure, Interaction and Emotions. And there might be interference in our communication causing misalignment in one of these levels, due to certain underlying emotions or procedural confusions. You will learn how to switch to a different level which can greatly enhance communication, because it quickly allows you to go back to the content of the meeting, and have much more effective communication. This is an especially useful and practical tool for your online meetings.


  • Gain clarity and impact in your communication for maximum impact

  • Learn how to use the Switch Model to increase the effectiveness of your online communication

  • Foster online collaboration

  • Strengthen connection with your online stakeholders

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