Improve your leadership skills by increasing awareness of your leadership presence, and your non-verbal communication
Create a powerful connection with your team and stakeholders in order to motivate, inspire and build trust
Enhance your team’s collaboration with leadership presence skills
Strengthen your leadership presence by creating congruence with your verbal and non-verbal message
It’s important to realize, that as a leader you’re always watched. Your team and others will watch you in the hallway, at the coffee machine or water cooler, how you enter the room, etc. They are often gauging how your mood is and assessing the matter, amount, and way they will interact with you. Often leaders are not aware of this; that the way a leader sits in a meeting, the way they hold their body, the way they look at you (or not), the way they greet you; all have an effect and impact on their employees.
Thus, working on your leadership presence skills makes sense. The leadership skills training gives you the tools to instill trust, inspire those around you, motivate others, lead effectively under pressure and have a powerful leadership presence. Skills you need to be present, and able to express your goals, strategies and vision. And you need to be able to connect with your employees and stakeholders.
65%-90% of your presence is determined by your non-verbal communication. In most cases, we focus on our verbal message (content) when trying to improve communication. However, since non-verbal is such a crucial part, it is as important, if not more important, to broaden your palette in terms of how you express yourself with your body and voice. This will create a true impact with your “audience”.
After this leadership skills training, you will walk away with tools that strengthen your presence and non-verbal communication skills. With methods such as grounding, breathing, posture and how to optimally use your voice, you will work on your presence with active exercises and tailored feedback. You will immediately be able to apply the techniques from this leadership skills training for the purpose of inspiring, motivating and connecting with your team.
“Leadership is about how someone experiences themselves in your presence. ”