Improve your skills of giving and receiving feedback
Learn how to give feedback without the other taking it personally
Enhance the culture of collaboration through creating an environment that allows open feedback
Understand what hinders you to give feedback
Many of us find giving and receiving feedback difficult. Instead of giving feedback when a colleague’s behavior is bothering us, we tend to bite our tongue in fear of hurting a colleague’s feeling. Or because we want to avoid conflict. In addition, most of us also tend to avoid receiving feedback, by brushing off compliments and saying “I’m just doing my job.” Compliments are actually another form of feedback. Or we take the feedback personally and create a culture where receiving feedback is unwanted.
During the feedback training, we start by discovering why we find it difficult to give and receive feedback. How can you change your thinking in order to be able to give and receive feedback without any impediments? We work with the 4G model of giving feedback. The 4G model enables giving feedback while minimizing the risk of people feeling attacked or taking the feedback personally. Giving feedback is about wanting to change someone’s behavior, not their personality or character. Therefore, a good starting point is to state the observation instead of the interpretation of someone’s behavior.
The feedback training will teach you how to foster an environment and culture which makes it safe and normal to give each other feedback, thus enhancing collaboration. Feedback is essential in any thriving environment. And while we might not always want to hear feedback, we do want to know what the feedback is!
“There is no failure. Only feedback. ”